
ハイチ大地震との関連で、Mountains over Mountains(『国境を越えた医師』)を読んでいます。

ハイチに診療所を開き、NPOパートナーズ・イン・ヘルスPartners in Healthを設立して、感染症結核エイズなど)に取り組むアメリカ人医師ポール・ファーマー(Paul Farmer)の活動を、ピュリツァー賞受賞作家トレイシー・キダーが描いた2003年出版のベストセラーです。


Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World

Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World

国境を越えた医師―Mountains Beyond Mountains (小プロブックス)

国境を越えた医師―Mountains Beyond Mountains (小プロブックス)



To Farmer, Haiti's history seemed, indeed, like The Lord of the Rings, an ongoing story of a great and terrible struggle between the rich and the poor, between good and evil. (63)


And the Haitian tongue, Creole, was not, as was sometimes said, "a coarse patois" but in essence a Romance language, derived from French and, in some of its phonetic habits and grammatical structures, also clearly African. It was unique to Haiti, lovely and expressive and born of grim necessity -- the French masters had deliberately separated slaves who spoke the same languages, and the slaves had fashioned their own tongue. Farmer began to study Creole before he went to Haiti in the spring of 1983.(64)


Now she had someone to translate Haiti to her. . . . he knew the details for Haiti, a catastrophe covered with the fingerprints of the Western powers, most of all those of France and the United States. (73)